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Dance War (WS Story Gang-Style)

So, I had the question put to me. Who would be in my dance-fighting crew?
I choose Family Force 5.

FF5 has the music and the moves to rock anybody off the face of the earth. With their Hulkfists of fury, and their mean dance skills, they've got plenty of power to back me in a fight. Let's break it down.

Soul Glow - Battle Cry
If he starts screaming, everybody in the hood gets scared.

Phatty - Bass SMACK
In his live set, Phatyy rocks the bass in a crazy number of ways. I think that in a fight, if he used his axe as a weapon, he'd do some serious damage.

Xanadu - Dance
If this is a true dancing gang fight, somebody's got to know how to break it down. X has got that in spades.

Nadaddy - Punch Out
He beats the Family Force 5000 so much, you KNOW he's got to have a power-packed punch.

Chapstique - Magic
The Wizard will be the only one not engaging the other band directly, choosing to fight with mad sorcerery from afar.

Crouton - Stix, Yo.
Last but DEFINITELY not least, Crou could back me by using his sticks as ninja stars. Seriously.

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One Line KO! (Twitter: @rainnwilson)

I'm going to buy a pair of crocs so I can melt them down and pour them as molten liquid into the eyes of whoever invented them.
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Oink, Oink, FLU!

That's a great title, eh? It's a current events version of "Duck, Duck, Goose." Get it? Yeah, I'm a horrible person. Whatever.

So, this whole Swine flu thing... Scary, eh? NO. I'm not in the least put off by this recent scare, nor am I going to change my lifestyle because of it. It's been pushed by the media, and has little hold in my everyday life.

Here's the rundown from my point of view:

Corporate media has been at a loss for huge stories ever since Obama clinched the presidency and did so on Jan 20. So, this new Swine Flu thing has been a way for them to get back on the scene in a big way. They've taken every aspect of the situation and have blown it out of proportion.

Some of you are probably saying, "But Jack, people have died!" Yeah, I know that. But the solution to safety is not to create chaos. The solution should be education. The media, instead of reporting statistic updates every five minutes, should be focusing on telling the public little changes they can make in their everyday life to make sure they have the greatest chance possible not to get the illness.

Will they follow my suggestion? Probably not. Why? Because I don't matter. I don't own stock, so no one cares.

So... I think I'm going to team up with Stephen Colbert and take out the media, once and for all.
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Super-Spectacular Silver Screen!

So, this weekend marks "The Beginning of the Summer," according to the ads for the new X-Men movie. Now, that's crap, because if it was, I'd be graduating next week. Ugh.

But, it makes a valid point. This Friday marks the release of the first real summer blockbuster, followed by an even greater one next week.

The new X-Men flick actually looks to be promising. Though I was a bit skeptical... No, let me rephrase that. Though I was completely STEAMED at the ending of the last movie, I can't wait to see the new one. Why? Gambit, my friends, Gambit. I missed this guy as soon as I heard he wasn't in the first movie. Gambit was always one of my favorite X-Men as a kid, and now that he's in a movie... Hello nostalgia. Yeah.

Week after ^that, Star Trek is released. *Slobber* This thing is going to be freakin' gorgeous. As much as I've seen of the effects, it's definitely in the same category as the Prequel Trilogy. There's no space movie coming anywhere soon that can match what this is going to be. Oh, and I hear that they've taken away sound in space. :D I KNOW!!! IT'S AMAZING!!!

So, yeah. There's my excitement for the next two weeks.
(Well, I have an even better reason to be UBER-STOKED, but I'll leave that 'til later.)
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Tweet it up!

So, I'm currently browsing Twitter and it's many users. I'm realizing it's probably my favorite thing on the web. It's so simple, easy to use, and addictive! Really.

Twitter, for those of you that may not know, is an online application based on the very popular "Status Update" function of social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace. Twitter asks a very simple question: What are you doing? Because this changes all of the time, your friends are able to see exactly what you are up to whenever they like!

Also, there are many bands/celebs/whatever on Twitter! I'm following FF5, and every member in the band, as well as the tour they are on. It's action, you know?

I'm getting frustrated, though, because nobody in this hick county has one. Sure, Tofu and some other people have one, but not nearly enough. So, if you're reading this, get an account, tell me, and I'll be happy to follow your tweets! Please.

So, yeah! Here's a nifty link to my profile.
Clicky for me Twitter account!

And don't forget about my flashy email account which no ones used yet! It's getting lonely in its little corner of the IntraWebs.

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Mama (Pizza) Mia!

So, I've got this new addiction/crave. Yeah, Pizza Mias from Pizza Hut. They're flippin' delicious.

So, I first heard about them when Tofu (a loyal worker of Pizza Hut) told me about these awesome, crazy delicious new pies (pizza pies, that is) that they just got in. Also, they were only FIVE BUCKS!!! Yeah! I know! I'm pretty sure "Sweet." was my exact reaction.

So, we got a group together, where we all got some Mias. And let me tell you, my mouth had never tasted such wonderful tastes inside of The Hut before that moment.

Basically, to break it down, a Mia is a medium pizza, hand tossed with some special flavors. Everything other than the crust is special, I think. The cheese, sauce, and pepperoni all taste different than a normal Hut pizza, which is good for someone who doesn't care too much for the normal Hut taste. (A.K.A. Me.)

Also, if you go in with a few friends to buy some Mias, they are only $5 with 3 or more Mias on a ticket! Uber cheap. That's what I'm talking about. Heaven, for a low price.

So, yeah. I thought I'd drop you that little dining hint. Try one next time your hangin' in The Hut!
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Aw... I'm sad!

So, I've finally figured out the source of the greatest disappointment a high schooler can have.

Pre-Day Confusion.

This is basically when a kid thinks that it's... let's say Tuesday, when it's actually Wednesday. This results in a huge feeling of, "Oh crap, now I'm further from the weekend than I thought." This is worsened if... let's say... the Confused is attending a show this weekend.

(Yes, this whole thing is about me. It just happened.)

But, take note: there are two types of Day Confusion. The first, and worst, is Pre-Day Confusion, which I have already talked about. The second, and infinitely better type, is called Post-Day Confusion.

Post-Day Confusion is when a kid thinks it's a day before it actually is. Then, when it is discovered that there's even less time until the weekend, the Confused gets all excited, maybe does a little dance, and everything's fine. I love Post-Day Confusion.

But, I had Pre-Day this morning, and it was crap. Yeah.
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Who Stole the Author? I DIDN'T DO IT!!!

Text Update! Sweet!

So, this weekend was pretty crazy. I had so much to do... Yeah.

So, I should be back to normal posting tomorrow. Aren't you excited? I know I am.
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Conversation KO! (FF5)

This is about the song, Get Ur Back Off The Wall. Kudos to Jesus Freak Hideout for the interview. Now, a message from our sponsor, Family Force 5...

If you fail to remove your back from the wall..... *pause*

Chap Stique: It will be removed from you.

Nadaddy: Yes! You will be san-back!

Chap Stique: Backless! You will try to dislodge your back from the wall but it will be stuck there and all of your other members of your body - like your neck and your arms - will leave the wall.

Nadaddy: Right! And your back will remain because you've left it there too long.

Chap Stique: No parkin' on the dancefloor!

Nadaddy: That's right! What he said.
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Don't Label Me!

Quick update. I've labeled all of the posts by category, and added a label widget on the right navbar. This will make the site a little easier to navigate, and hopefully clan it up a bit.

I would like some help, though. I'm afraid that right bar is getting too cluttered. If you could, email me (powblogs@gmail.com) and tell me if you think it looks fine or not. If not, I'll try something different. If so, well... Yeah.
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Flying Haiku of Pan

So, here's a poem about Peter Pan. Yeah, it's lame. But hey, at least it's not about Hannah Montana!

Pan's the boy who flies.

He takes Tink across the skies.

I wish I were him.

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Ghost Ridin'.

So, a blog cropped up on the web the other day, a blog that I wholeheartedly approve of. So if you've got time, check out Shiny Dirt, your one stop shop for all of the juicy (and shiny) dirt on Family Force 5. It's a really cool place, but I didn't realize how cool it was until they posted a leak of a new FF5 song.

It's awesome. The song is called Ghost Ride the Whip, by Family Force 5. If you don't know what it's talking about, google the title of the song. It's def worth it.

So, thanks to Shiny Dirt for the leak, and Family Force 5 for the awesomeness.
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So, other than the greatest place on the web (Spiral Mountain), there's another Rare fan site that has some pretty cool things. It's called Rare Witch Project. A while back, I ran across a project called Banjo Cutie, where RWP user Princess J has created cartoon versions of the characters from the greatest series of all time, Banjo-Kazooie.

They're really great, and she has some talent, so I thought I'd share a few here.
The rest can be found at her Photobucket account. Clicky!

Here's a few examples. These characters are all featured in that 3OH!3 parody that's sweepting the nation, GreenW*tch!

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Local! (Well, Maybe Not For You...)

Before I start, aren't the Plinky posts and the Twitter feed nifty? I thought so. Don't forget about my new email address! Drop me a shout! powblogs@gmail.com

Where I come from, local bands are somewhat of a rarity. The same bands always play the same venues, and nothing really comes of it. But, the bands we do have are great. I thought I'd introduce them and do whatever I can to promote them.

(Just so you know, each band's name is a link to their MySpace page. I won't be mentioning that again.)

The Benefit
Quite possibly the most fun band out there, The Benefit rocks tunes about everything from aliens to sweet 50's tunes. The band is comprised of three of my clostest friends: Grant Cox (drums, vox), Matt Daly (bass, vox), and Max Shaffer (guitar, vox). They are a pop-punk trio who really know how to groove. I help 'em out a lot and have even played cowbell for a couple songs for a few shows. They're my fave local group, so you should probably check 'em.

The Summer Skyline
A very recent find for me, TSS is the one band around that could possibly be called "crunk" and get away with it. "Prom Queen" sounds like Family Force 5 mixed with a bit of punk, and it rules. I'm going to be catching them a few more times this month, so I'll let you know how it goes. But definitely give these guys a listen.

(Oh, and for anyone in or near my hometown, be checking back here for a sweet TSS experience coming.... very... close...)

Dead End Drive In
I've already put a couple of posts in about them, but I just can't express how great they are. Horror punk is their genre of choice (think Misfits), but with a woman fronting the band, some of their tunes come out sounding a bit like HorrorPops without being psychobilly. They've got a good following on Myspace, one of the largest I've seen in any bands around here, signifying that I'm not an idiot for liking them. One thing, though. There's a very distinct sound that they have, and it takes a very distinct musical appetite to like them. So unlike The Benefit and TSS, who I think anyone may like, D.E.D.I. may not be for you.

I've got three more acts on the list, I'll shoot those out tonight or tomorrow.
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Amazing Songs Never Get Old.

So, you know those songs on the radio that you love to death, but you'd wish they'd stop playing? The songs your friends say are overplayed? The songs you smack said friends in defense of?

Well, I have those songs too. Here's my top three, not in any real order.

Hot and Cold by Katy Perry

This song is the epitome of dance. You just gotta get down when Katy starts rockin' with the synth, you know?

I'm Yours by Jason Mraz

This song may be the greatest mellow/island song ever. I just wish radio stations would stop playing it. NOW.

Rihanna by Umbrella

All I have to say about this one: Ella, ella, ella, a, a, a.

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Gorilla v. Hyenas? Crown that Kong!

The gorrilla has mad attributes over the hyenas.

First, actual arms. Seriously, that means he could pull crazy wrestling moves off, and punch them hyenas like the great Donkey Kong himself.

Secondly, hyenas are idiot animals. I mean, they're like The View of the animal kingdom. Gorillas would use intellect and such to defeat them rascal hyenas.

And lastly, gorillas. Dude. They amazing.

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Look for the NEW.

So, tonight I'll be adding a couple new features to the blog.

1. Twitter - I'll be adding a Twitter widget that will display my Tweets when I post them. I love Twitter, and salivate at another chance to make it matter.

2. Plinky - A service I discovered that allows me to answer very interesting questions with very interesting answers. It automatically loads onto the blog, so no worries there.

So, yeah! Can't wait to make this place a little better.
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Things - What am I?

So, I was watching HIMYM (How I Met Your Mother) last night, and it got me back to a question I used to ask myself. What is my "thing"? What "guy" am I?

Now, let me explain. A "thing" is something that seperates somebody from the rest. It's that certain quality that represents a person. If someone says a certain name, the "thing" is usually the first thought that pops into their head.

The best way to classify this is with a title, usually falling under the categories of "---- one" or "---- guy." Take Chandler from Friends, for instance. He's definitely the "funny one" of the gang. In HIMYM last night, there was Food Guy, Fantasy Guy, YouTube Clip Guy, etc.

So, what's my thing? I've never quite figured it out. I'd like to think I'm the "funny one," but my first attempt at comedy showed me I'm definitely not. Next, I would call myself Music Guy, but that's DEFINITELY not true. There's many more people around that know so much more about music than me.

So, I guess I don't know. But I really wish I could get some closure on my high school "thing," because my college "thing" is definitely going to be totally different.

(So, if you know what my "thing" is, email me! powblogs@gmail.com)
[Also, if you have some experience with this, drop me a shout in the comment box by clicking on the title of the post.]
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Interactivity? Oh, Snap!

So, I've decided to turn this blog interactive. It's a step closer to the plans I have for this thing once I hit college, so I'm pretty stoked.

Heres the deal:
I want my readers (if they exist XD) to be involved with the blog. So, I've created an email account especially for y'all.

powblogs@gmail.com will be the connection between you and me. Submit questions, comments, complains, WHATEVER! and I will try to respond in one way or another. If this actually works out, I plan on doing a Q&A post here. (Hopefully I get to do more than one.)

So, throw in those questions! Here's the address for y'all that forget easily...

I can't wait to hear from you!
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Reppin' the 3-1-7!

So, here's the decision. I will be attending the University of Indianapolis in the fall of 2009.


Alright, then. Now that people know I'm not messing...

UIndy. A small school in the big city. Just what I need. I'll have all of Indy at my fingertips, the 317 area code to explore. I can hit IMAX, the mall, Verizon Wireless Center... All while getting an awesome education from a great school.

There were many reasons I chose UIndy, but I'm not going to list them here. This is just an announcement.

I ain't nothin' but a hound dog (Greyhound, that is), rockin' all the time!
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What Game?

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Hip Hop: Featuring Banjos and Kazoos

Ok, so I had some down time today and decided to write a parody.

The song I wanted to parody is Punk***** by 3OH!3.
I call my song GreenWitch by jEH!c. (JAC = My initials.)
(WARNING: The original contains bad language. The parody does not. That's one of the reasons I made the parody, to clean the song up.)

It's about Banjo-Kazooie. Hope you enjoy.

By: Jack Attack!

Now they come up in the lair,
They a bird and bear!
Monsters creepin' toward 'em,
And they really don't care!

Hit 'em with the Rat-a-Tat,
Flip them monsters on they back!
Come to get the sister who the witch done jacked!

And she's sittin' on her broomstick.
Gruntilda, she be way up in her tower.
Rockin' baddies with her power.
And her beauty's goin' no where.
Tooty's staying, though she thinks her hope is fleeting,
Banjo's coming with Kazooie.

Green witch,
You've never battled before.
Green witch,
So, you should know what's in store.
Green witch,
And they just want you to know..
Green witch,
Green witch,
You've never battled before.
Green witch,
So, you should know what's in store.
Green witch,
And they just want you to know that they maimin' mad goblins, and trainin' with Bottles tonight!
Green witch,
Banjo and Kazooie!
Green witch,
Banjo and Kazooie!
Green witch,
Banjo and Kazooie!
The maimin' mad goblins, and trainin' with Bottles tonight!

Aw, yeah. Looks good! Hit me up with that honeycomb, looks good!

When they come up in the hut,
They in a bad rut.
Mumbo helps 'em out, and now they're kickin witch butt!

Rock 'em with the Beak Bomb,
Show her that the game's on,
Now we all be cheerin' cause the battle's done won!

And she's sittin' on her broomstick.
Gruntilda, she be way up in her tower.
Rockin' baddies with her power.
And her beauty's goin' no where.
Tooty's staying, though she thinks her hope is fleeting,
Banjo's coming with Kazooie.

Green witch,
You've never battled before.
Green witch,
So, you should know what's in store.
Green witch,
And they just want you to know..
Green witch,
Green witch,
You've never battled before.
Green witch,
So, you should know what's in store.
Green witch,
And they just want you to know that they maimin' mad goblins, and trainin' with Bottles tonight!
Green witch,
Banjo and Kazooie!
Green witch,
Banjo and Kazooie!
Green witch,
Banjo and Kazooie!
They maimin' mad goblins, and trainin' with Bottles tonight!

[Keys Break]

Stone will rise,
Activate them...
And the Jinjonator's gonna win!

Green witch,
Green witch,
Green witch,
Green witch,

You stole his sister, what a crock!
Shoulda known that he would find her.
Kazooie rock you too, like the fire from a lighter!
You really had it good,
All alone up in your tower,
Now the duo's come and gone,
And you're nothing but a coward.

You stole his sister, what a crock!
Shoulda known that he would find her.
Kazooie rock you too, like the fire from a lighter!
You really had it good,
All alone up in your tower,
Now the duo's come and gone,
And you're nothing but a coward.

You stole his sister, what a crock! (You've never battled before)
Shoulda known that he would find her.
Kazooie rock you too, like the fire from a lighter! (So you should know what's in store)
You really had it good,
All alone up in your tower, (And they just want you to know)
Now the duo's come and gone,
And you're nothing but a coward. (That they maimin' mad goblins, and trainin' with Bottles tonight!)
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E* (txt)

Happy Easter!
I won't have time to blog at home, so I thought I'd drop a text update.
Hope your holiday's great!
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Yesterday... (Not a Beatles Blog)

Haha, just thinking about it makes me laugh.SO, as I posted yesterday, (twice) I went to a show at Hot Topic. But, the crew actually hung out in that city for a while, and had some truly awesome adventures. So now I will relate them to you.

The trip was made possible by the truly awesome Tofu, who also follows this blog. (Coincidence? I think not.) Him, two of his brothers, his girlfriend, and two friends went along. The van got pretty crazy by the time we arrived.

First stop: Mall. We went to a few stores, had a few laughs. I actually kept seeing people I knew, so that was cool. The best part of this portion of the trip dealt with a store I hate, Old Navy. Now, for those of us in the US, we know of the Old Navy commercials with the mannequins. Imagine my surprise when I saw those SAME MANNEQUINS in the store! AAAAH!!! So, we took a picture of them. And yes, we gained a crowd by the time we were done. (Also, we got a free CD that was only supposed to be given with a $75 purchase from Journeys. Awesome.)

Next up was Taco Bell and Plato's Closet. Taco Bell... Good food, better hot sauce packets. Plato's Closet was extremely fun in that we made Tofu try on the craziest stuff we could find to see his girlfriend's reaction. Classic. The best article of clothing? A denim jacket with a picture of Fat Albert on the back.

Then, we hit the concert. I've talked enough about that.

After that, we went to Starbucks, where I ordered a very strange drink, the name of which I refuse to put on my blog.

On the way home, we had to drop one of our friends off in a different town. So, on the way out of town, we decided to stop at McDonald's. When we pulled in, though, we saw all of the workers taking a picture at the Drive Thru window! So, naturally, we asked if we could be in it. We were. It was amazing.

And... I think that was it. It was a fun time. But, because of some of the events that occured, be ready for another rules blog.

SNL TONIGHT!!! Everyone should watch for sure.
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Dead End Drive In was pretty awesome. Also, the setup was pretty sweet. They cleared the earring junk out of the way, and played there. Sorry for the blurry pic, my phone's not the greatest unless it's outside. So, check out their page with the link in the last post. Now I'm gonna dance.
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Best Venue EVER!!!

Alright, here's the deal. Some friends and I are headed to our local mall tonight to go to a show... IN HOT TOPIC!!! I know, right? Jack es stoked. It's going to be pretty awesome, I think.

It's a band called Dead End Drive In. I haven't heard much of their stuff, but the girl at Hot Topic (extremely cool, she is) told me that they were horror punk. Think The Misfits. I didn't know what it was, and that's the band she said fit the genre. Their page says that they are influenced by such bands as AFI and My Chem, so I may like it, may not.

Wow. While writing this, I looked up their page (which is where I found the above info) and found out that they are doing an acoustic set. I'm pretty excited. Acoustic stuff around here seems to be just as good as a regular band setup, so it should be pretty good.

Here's their page!!! Clicky!

Check back tonight or tomorrow for a pic of Hot Topic with the show going on, and some more info about it.

And later, plan to see a local band blog, where I go through and give some props and kudos to the kids around the block who have a bit of musical talent.
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Nice title, huh? I like it. I also like the double update. I'm feelin' pretty fly, so I thought I'd throw a real blog down today. (And #25, at that!)

Now for a tale of wonder, achievement, and an amazing award.

The other night was the annual Lilly Reception, where the Community Foundation of my county awards the Lilly Scholarship, a full tuition scholarship to any school in Indiana. It was pretty fun. I ate dinner with my Gov/Econ/Soc teacher, my principal and his wife, my parents, and a committee member who was one of the people to award the scholarship.

When it came time to introduce the ten finalists, I was overwhelmed. Everyone in line had one really impressive detail about their past experience that the speaker could talk about. Everyone but me. No, to introduce me, he had to talk about what I was GOING to do, and talk about his experience with archeology. During these introductions, I put most thoughts of getting the scholarship out of my mind. I saw my competition, and realized they were more worthy than I was.

The introductions concluded and the speaker went on to begin to announce the award winner. And before I knew it, he had said my name.


This scholarship is probably the best thing to happen to me school-wise in my entire education career. It provides me the opportunity to do so many things I thought I wouldn't be able to do with my time in college, as well as opening some doors for things I may want to do after college.

That night changed my life. I'm sure of it. I know I'll look back and realized that night is when things changed.

And all there is to do is wait for the world's end, that place that is mystical and wonderful in all aspects: Graduation.

Now, bring me that horizon.
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Oh Em Gee! New Look!

So, I decided the look of the old style was too plain, and too much like some other blogs on the web, and decided to change it. I didn't know there were user created templates for Blogger until I came across a new page of the Dashboard today. (Dashboard is the Blogger homepage thing.)

So, I googled some stuff, and found a sweet action new template! Isn't it amazing?

After some minor modification, my blog looks brand new! Awesome.
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Lyrical Genius!!!

So, one of my favorite bands has quite possibly the best lyrics around. They're sort of poetic, and use fantastic vocabulary, two things that aren't too common in today's music scene.

I thought I'd share one of their songs with you. I'm not going to say the band name, or even the song title, because a lot of you will immediately discredit the band because of their style, despite how wonderful the lyrics are.

(I'm posting the booklet version, so punctuation and stuff might be weird...)

So, here we go!

Bring it to your lips and experience the sulfur infect everything that we've created.

Don't twist this around, don't attempt to justify what we know is wrong.

Tendons are torn and screams are released into a poisoned, mathematic atmosphere.

We're composing our funeral songs, note by note.

With this I declare that tomorrow is an allusion.

What if the clouds are fragments of mistakes, fabricated by the factories of our foolishness?

We're composing our funeral songs, note by note.

Prove me wrong.

I might do this again, if I find another band or song that just seems lyrically above the rest.
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One Line KO (Get Dumbly!)

Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!
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Wolf - SMACK!

Alright, so along with the Slap Bet, there is another worthy addition to slap games. It is Wolf. It was introduced to me this weekend, and I'm loving it.

How It's Done:

Basically, it's sort of a dare. If one of your friends says they will do something, and by something I mean ANYTHING that seems out of the ordinary, call Wolf. By saying Wolf after they say they're going to do something, it ensures they do it.

Why, you ask? Because if it doesn't get done, the victim gets SLAPPED!

That's right. If the addressee doesn't fulfill their claim, you can slap them.

HOWEVER, there is one condition: You must call Wolf within three seconds of the claim.

Other than that, there's no rules! So, get to slappin'!

This finishes Slap Time on POW Blogs. Tune in tomorrow for something completely different.
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Slap Bet - The Ultimate Gamble

Some of you may know of the Slap Bet through How I Met Your Mother. For those of you who don't, get ready to have your world (and face) rocked.

Thanks to slapbetinternational.com for creating a definitive list of rules.

Slap Bet
Rules & Regulations

1. A slap bet is created when two parties involved in a disagreement, argument, or difference of opinion mutually agree that whichever party is proven right (or winning party) gets to slap whichever party is proven wrong (or losing party) across the face as hard as they possibly can.

2. In all Slap Bets, a Slap Bet Commissioner must be appointed. In the event of a discrepancy, the Slap Bet Commissioner makes the final ruling. The Slap Bet Commissioner must be someone fair and unbiased, someone kind hearted but not afraid to rule with an iron wrist.

3. When issuing a slap, the slapper must aviod lips, ears and noses as all cost. The goal is for the palm of the slapper’s hand to connect with the meaty part of the slappee’s cheek thus providing utmost enjoyment and pain. If you’re seeing handprint on the cheeks, you’re doing something right. In the event of a bloddy nose, the Slap Bet Commissioner shall award the slappee three slaps to be used in succession. Suggestion The Dead Man’s Slap (rules 8.)

4. When issuing a slap, the slapper must not wear any rings, gloves, or other finger/hand ornaments to protect the safety of the slappee.

5. When issuing a slap, the slapper must keep one foot on the ground at all times to protect the safety of the slappee.

6. In the event of Premature Slapulation, (when the slapper slaps the slappee as hard as he or she possibly can and then afterwards, finds out the slap was not warranted), the slappee gets to slap the slapper at least three times depending on the ruling from the slap bet commissioner.

7. The Blind Man Slap; If the Slap Bet Comissioner deems the slappee particularly deserving, the Slap Bet Commissioner can issue The Blind Man Slap in which the slappee must close their eyes while being slapped.

8. The Dead Man Slap; Backhanded slaps are permitted only if used in succesion. For example, if the Slap Bet Commissioner awards the slapper multiple slaps, the slapper can use a backhand if and only if it’s preceded by a forehand. This is commonly referred to as The Dead Man Slap and is the only existing slap that allows the slapper to connect with both sides of the slappee’s face thereby earning maximum slappage.

9. When the slappee gets slapped, he/she must accept the fact that they’ve just got slapped. Any retaliation against the slapper, by the slappee, will result in no less than ten slaps (with a set number to be delivered by the Slap Bet Commissioner.)

10. The most important rule: Enjoy! Few things in the world match the sheer joy one receives from slapping a friends right across the face. Especially after proven right. So get slapping!!
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One Line KO! (Wisdomified)

Computer games don't affect kids. I mean if Pac-Man had affected us as kids we'd all be running round darkened rooms, munching on pills and listening to repetitive music.

Check back later this evening, I might feel like posting more tonight.
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CONQUERING Fashion Jack-Style!

Heh. Get it? Fashion? Jack-STYLE? It's a bad pun, never mind.

So, I was hanging in the mall after seeing I Love You, Man (more on that on a future date) and I finally figured out how my style becomes my style.

I wear anything different I don't think I would wear at first glance. It's true! I have a (cough)different(cough) style than most.

What kicked this off: Jet Vest. I found this vest thing that had a bunch of colorful jets all over it. It's made like a hoodie, except it has no sleeves and is thinner. Now, I got it because it was $4 compared to the normal $30. I know, sweet deal. The first time I ever saw it I scoffed and thought I would never wear it.

Note: I have had the same feelings about really dark clothes, bandanas, scarves, and belt buckles all at one point. You see my issue.

So, to get to the point finally, I wear anything I think is different. If something catches my eye (not because it has something I like on it, i.e. vidgams) there is a great chance I would wear it.

I also don't care if I get weird looks, comments, etc. I got several in the mall after throwing my bandana and new vest on. It just entertains me, and makes me laugh. So, yeah.

In conclusion, I had nothing else to blog about besides clothes. I'm sorry, I know it's not my style. (HA! Another pun! WIN.)
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April Fools!!! XD

Yes, yesterday's blog was in fact an April Fools joke. I am no where near deciding where to go to college, that process will begin next week, and shouldn't take too long.

But I'm still 50/50 between UIndy and Purdue.

Sorry about the confusion, but nice to see I got a few people.
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Decision of Epic Proportions

As most of you reading this know, I am a Senior in high school. For
the international visitor, this means I am in my last year of high
school. Next year I head out for a university. This is going to be a
huge change, and I wanted to put a lot of time and thought into the
college I'll be attending in less than a year's time. A lot of people
have been on my case, and... Well... The wait's over, folks.

That's right, the decision has been made. Next year......

I'm rocking WL the way it should be. Boiler Up.

YES! Purdue's the one for me. As many of you know, it was between this
and UIndy. It has been an intense struggle in my mind for a long time,
and I'm glad it's finally over. There are many reasons I believe
Purdue is right for me, so I'm going to go into that now.

First of all, it's science reputation. Out of all of the colleges in
Indiana, Purdue is the place to be for any type of science. Its
engineering program is amazing, the aeronautics program is out of this
world (pun intended), and its science division is great on its own.
So, studying anthropology there will definitely give me an advantage
when it comes to the field's scientific processes.

Secondly, the University Honors Program. The UHP is an
interdisciplinary program that stretches across all of the colleges at
Purdue. It offers courses and trips to give me the experience of a
lifetime. For example, there is a course on vampires provided by the
UHP. At the end of the course, students take a trip to Romania to see
everything they've been studying! I know! It's awesome. Also, the UHP
gives me the chance to live in a UHP learning community, an
opportunity that I'll be happy to cash in on.

Lastly, the bigness. (Heh.) Purdue itself is gigantic, one of the
biggest colleges in Indiana. I love that. Coming from Randolph County,
I want to surround myself with people, and live like I never had
before. Also, this grand population will allow me to advance myself
socially, and give me many opportunities a small school may not have.
It's great for me, and a perfect fit.

In conclusion, I'd like to make a disclaimer. Just because I've chosen
to be a Boilermaker doesn't mean UIndy is a bad school. It's amazing,
and one of the best liberal arts schools around. Purdue just fits me

I can't wait to start next year. It's gonna be hot like paper off the
presses, and fresh like a sandwich from Subway.