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Edwon, Edwon, Read All About It!!!

Hey, everybody! Just got word from the Family Force 5 camp that I could release a new piece of art/story for the Dance or Die Vid!!! WOO!!! Aren't you excited? I know I am!!!


So, if you could help me and FF5 out, just start droppin' a link to POW Blogs EVERYWHERE!!! (Use the Twitter and Facebook links below!!!)

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I Have a Warped Sense of Style!

Tonight, the 2009 Vans Warped Tour Pit Reporter held a haiku contest via Twitter. Because I am such an avid fan of Warped, Twitter, and @minkus, I decided to enter.

Now, for those of you who don't know (which is a lot of you), I've never seen myself as a poet. In fact, I think I've tried to avoid every poetry project I've been able to avoid for my entire K-12 career. Me and poetry don't usually work together well. But, because it was Warped, and I was slightly bored, I thought I'd give it a shot.

I submitted a few entries, here they are in order of submission.
The sweat on my brow.
The sun beating on my face.
Music is my life.
The raucous voices.
Fans shedding blood, sweat, and tears.
This is harmony.
One moment, I fall.
Through the chaos, they aid me.
Brotherhood of sound.
Decent, huh? I know I was surprised.

However, the climax of my surprisement came in the form of these 2 tweets:
minkus: Aaaaaand the winner is!
minkus: Tada! @jackozord!! "One moment, I fall. // Through the chaos, they aid me. // Brotherhood of sound."
I KNOW!!!! I was shocked too!

Yeah! She then posted a couple links dealing with the contest. Link 1 is a Pit Blog with some more of her favorites, and Link 2 is a TwitPic with my package, shipping out tomorrow! YAY!
Link 1
Link 2
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BOOMIN! (Out the Six Flags Ampitheater!)

So, this weekend was sort of GIGANTIC for me. I did so much in a two day period. Friday got me kicked off at UIndy, then I headed to KY with some awesome folk who joined me in rocking Six Flags: Kentucky Kingdom.

Registration at UIndy was pretty fun, we did some activities, learned about tradition, etc. Much more exciting than I thought it would be, though. That was good. Also, I found out that I got accepted into the Residence Hall I wanted, which is AMAZING! But you'll hear about that later.

After that, we ran down to a truck stop, where the KY Crew was stopped. I left the padres, and joined the party.

(The next day...) Six Flags wasn't as great as I thought is was going to be. Compared to King's Island (my usual spot), it just doesn't hold up. SF has a grand total of 3 major coasters, and they aren't extremely spectacular in the first place. However, on a hot day, their waterpark works NICELY. (We had a heat advisory out Saturday. Just sayin'.)

So, after the mostly disappointing theme park, we headed to the amp(itheater) to watch Tobymac and the Diverse City band. I was, again, disappointed. The only folks who were allowed to be in the front were those who had paid $10 for the VIP spot. Stupid. So, I was about halfway back, a row from the closest I could possibly be. Then, Toby played the same stuff I'd seen the last three times I've seen him. So....

Not my best concert experience overall.

But, if I ever get a chance to go for as cheap as the prices were this weekend, I'd probably take it.
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Battle of the Ages... (Not Really.)

So, I've been thinking about this situation, and I'm not sure what the answer is. I have absolutely no idea, actually. The bit goes like this:

Seriously, who would win this fight? It's tough,man.

Megazord's got the power of all 5 Zords, plus that KICKIN' sword. Also, it has the advantage of the Power Rangers, a team of super awesome teens who guide it. I think that gives it somewhat of an advantage.

But Optimus is used to fighting giant robots, so that sword would be no problem, right? And a group controlling one thing is probably going to be slower reacting than a single mind controlling the entity. Maybe Optimus is the choice here...

But, if the different Zords were to converge on Optimus in his Semi travel mode...

Hm... I think it's tough, but the winner is...


Even if he were a semi, he can transform instantly. Also, he's got his entire team of Autobots to call on.

It wasn't even a rough decision after all. Wow.
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Rocko's Ancient Life...

Hey, everybody! I finally named the mascot! WOO! His name is Rocko, and he's amazing.

As you can see, Rocko has been around for a while. In fact, he's so old, his organs, muscle, and skin have all fallen off. (Yet, he's still alive. Hm...) Suffice to say, my main giraffe over there has had some great times.

Every now and then, POW Blogs will feature a piece from Rocko's journal, speaking of his exploits. He's led a pretty exciting life, so this should be fun. (And I'm even in some! WOO!)

So, let's check one out now!

Rocko's Journal
26 Feb 1638

I woke up at sunrise, then began to eat.
Then, I took a walk.
After that, I had another snack.

Great day, huh?


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Sharing's Fo' Playas!

If you are very observant, you'll notice a few new badges here and there around the blog. Most are for sharing, but there are a few that are links to my social networking profiles on other sites.

First, the profile badges. You can find them in the Author Info section over on the sidebar. They're pretty self explanatory. Also, keep an eye on that area, because any profiles I add/find, I'll add a badge!

Now, the rest of the buttons. There is a new category under every post labeled "Share." These buttons allow you to share single posts with your friends by use of a few mediums, if you choose.

The first is "Tweet It." This will create a tweet that will give the title of the post, the specific url of that post, and an @mention to me, the author. It will look something like this:
Reading: Let It Go (or Be... Hee Hee) by @jackozord http://www.flyinggiraffes.com/2009/06/let-it-go-or-be-hee-hee.html
I suggest changing the link to a bit.ly, but you should have room with most posts.

Next, there's an option to Digg the post. I'm a beginner on this site, but it's basically a gigantic ranking system for online news/videos/etc. So, if you're into Digging stuff, there it is!

Finally, the Facebook option may be the most useful for the lot of you. If there's something I say that you want to show your friends, just hit the Facebook badge, and it will be posted to your profile, with a url to go with it! Yay!

Hope you like (and utilize) the new additions!
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#4! No, wait, #3!

I've found the answer to Tuesdays. Seriously. It's called Buzztime at Buffalo Wild Wings. It's quite possibly the greatest thing ever.

Let me explain. Before tonight, I had never been to BWW (or B Dubs, as it is affectionately known). I had heard so many great things about it. The food was apparently out of this world, the atmosphere was fun and great, and apparently was thought provoking, according to my high school math teacher.

Mr. B told us one time how he went to B Dubs and played the trivia game there, usually winning. (He's an insanely smart dude.) Now, Most of us thought that it was pretty weird to play a trivia game at this B Dubs, but we accepted it.

Fast forward to tonight. A bro and I decided to hit up our local Hangtown, which has a B Dubs. So, after we got there and had been seated, we look over across the room. To our surprise, there was Mr. B, ready to rock some trivia. So the two of us, like any good students, decided to grab a game board and challenge him.

Now, the game is played via electronic "boards" and TV sets. You look at the TVs for the question, and then answer with your board. So, we jumped in late one game, and got 14th. The next game we got in the Top 10, maybe 5th. (I forget specific rankings). We were doing well, though.

But alas, our teacher still OWNED us. He's the man, seriously.

So, we played for 2 HOURS. They kept starting new games, and we kept playing. It was insane. At one point, we decided to register as a player, giving us a definite name every time we go. TECHNO is our handle. Nice, right? We thought so.

So, after tonight, we will probably be going every Tuesday, because the wings are cheap (40 cents!) and the fun is HUGE.

If you're ever in B Dubs around 6, grab a board, and GO.
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Let It Go (or Be... Hee Hee)

As a lot of you know, I've already quit that new FF5 fan project I started about a week ago, for no apparent reason. It would seem rash and confusing at a glance. But really, it's farther from that statement.

TKK was supposed to be a way for me to express my love for FF5, and tell people about other things that their fans might enjoy. But as I put more and more time into its creation, I realized how weird it was getting. I realized that I had been putting FF5 before much more important things in life.

I really realized this after seeing some drama go down in the FF5 fanbase. When I saw this, I instantly saw how much our obsessions controlled my life. It's one thing to be a fan. It's another to spend all day on a computer talking about how much I love them, creating a site about them, and spending all day just doing... nothing. I was definitely in this category. I'm just happy I never had to defend myself or argue about some online obsession, like some in the first camp.

Now, I'm not trying to condemn anyone, or go after anyone. Far from it. I'm just pointing out my mistakes in an effort to allow others to examine their position.

But, back to my story.

In that moment of craziness, I realized how I needed to let it go. I miss the days where I was a "casual" hardcore fan (Oxymoron? Probably), who listened to their music all the time, but didn't let it affect my life. I realized that I was putting FF5 on a pedestal, over LOADS of important stuff in my life. That stops right now.

I'm saying this right now to make sure the rest of you have your priorities straight. Some of you can deal with the type of stuff I was doing, and still put the right things above them. Some of you can't. That second group is the one I'm going for. If you see yourself in my shoes, let's go together. I know I'll need help. Let's put some of this behind us for a while, and enjoy the cornucopia of other things life gives us to enjoy.

Don't get me wrong, I'll still be a fan. I'll hit loads of their concerts. I'll dance, scream, and try to get that fist bump from Soli's Hulkfists. But, I'm done with this crazy online FF5 stuff. I'm stepping away for a bit, to get things straight. After that, who knows?

But for now, I'm taking a nap. (That's a metaphor, for those of you who missed it.)
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Mashable! (Nothing to do w/ Potatoes.)

If you're reading this, you're probably aware that I am on the computer A LOT of the time. You may even know that (for someone who lives where I do) I am ahead of most people, in terms of online knowledge and use (knowing what Twitter is/how to use it, etc.) So, it would be no surprise to know that I also like to know what's going on in the social media.

Enter Mashable.

Mashable is like the CNN of social networking news. They produce articles on what's going on with services such as Facebook and Myspace, and also create How To articles, to educate the masses on using a general or precise function of these same services.

Mashable has a pretty large online presence, with over 824k followers on Twitter alone. This means that at any given time, one or more Mashable stories are in the Top 10 Trending Topics on Twitter. If you're a Twitter beginner, that's sort of a big deal.

I really just wanted to promote these guys. For anyone interested in learning how to use any given social networking site, check Mashable. If you want to learn more about Google, or their new rival Bing, check Mashable. In a nutshell, Mashable rules. Check it.
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Mad Ad!

I did this for two reasons.

1. It was a sweet cover for a binder at my graduation party, and

2. I can throw it up around campus next year for promotion.

Woo! I think it's pretty grand, don't you?
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The Office (of the Internet).

So, as I mentioned a couple posts back, I started a new project called The Kountry Klub. Little did I know how much work it would be. I think I've put more time into that than I have into POW Blogs. (Ok, that's a lie.)

But, seriously! At first, I had to work the layout out, which took FOREVER. Then, I had to read the applications, appoint authors, start a Myspace page, do THAT layout, and now I'm cleaning up shop around the blog and the Myspace. It's tiring, let me tell you. (But CRAZY fun.)

Funny enough, all the work on TKK has left me NO time to post on it! Haha, I got to run a small bit about the Myspace page, but that's it. But, at least it's giving me stuff to do with my UNLIMITED amount of summer time. I mean, I could go be outside and enjoy the nice weather.... But I'm lazy. Darn.

So, yeah! There's an update on me right now. BOOM!
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The Giraffes be FLYIN, Bro!!!

WOAH! Did you see that? I did too! The blog got a url! I KNOW! Finally!!!


Haha. Yeah, I went and got a domain yesterday. That'll make it easier to tell people about the site, and makes it a lot funnier for me.

Oh, and for those of you thinking that I'm going to change the name of the blog, or wondering what Flying Giraffes have to do with POW Blogs, no worries. It's completely random, and the name of the blog's not changing. Though, if you refer to POW Blogs by saying, "I read a rad post on Flying Giraffes yesterday!" I wouldn't be offended.

Hope you like it! Paz, my blogobros.
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I Give A Speech! (Run.)

So, here's a rough copy of the speech I'm reading right about now at my graduation. It'll be almost exactly what I say, but I'll add/drop a few words here and there. I'll try to get the video, and put it up. So, yeah!

Congrats, '09. It's been a blast.

And now for something completely indifferent... The clichéd lines of the stereotypical graduation speech. Let's reflect on some of the things many valedictorians of the past have counted on to make their speech special, in an effort to boost my reflections today.

So, we're here. The class of 2009. Congratulations!
As I began to write this speech, I realized I had absolutely no clue what to say!
This is the beginning of the rest of your life.
It's so sad to see you all go... We've been through so much together! (sniff) (Splash) I'm sorry, I promised myself I wouldn't cry!
Insert ridiculous quote here.

I think if I kept going with these phrases, you'd become bored. I know I felt dull and lifeless reading them. If I filled my speech with stereotypes, nothing would be achieved and you all would be angry with me for wasting your time with trivial information. The same thing applies to life. If we allow stereotypes to fill our lives, it will become a bland canvas of individuals with no impression of character, guided by the actions society deems appropriate based on their ascribed status, or an attribute they have no control over.

I've had it with these stereotypes, I'm done with immediate classification. To be our age today is to constantly struggle with the snide comments of others, who believe we are a group whose only ambition in life is to engage in promiscuity and use loads of drugs and alcohol. Teens have achieved this bad name, and now we must deal with the many obstacles brought about by our reputation. But, we're no strangers to overcoming this fact, are we? I mean, in sixth grade they wouldn't let us out of arms reach! We were classified as “the worst class to come through West Side.” But, over the years, we have matured. (cough - somewhat) Compared to then, I'd say we're pretty dignified individuals now.

It seems everyone in life needs to prove someone wrong to amount to something great. We look back and see the rise of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Such adversity has never been overthrown with the power and grace that King wielded. Like him, we must cast off the judgment passed to us by those “above.” To truly achieve success in life, our generation must transcend our faults and rise to our full potential. Only then can we prove the masses wrong, and show them we are a force to be reckoned with.

Let's take a moment to look at another individual's life, who has become known across the globe for overcoming the situations I've been describing. He is born to an ex-hippie, straight out of the 60's. He grows up generally accepting his youthful stereotype, becoming outspoken and trying some drugs with his peers. Early in his adult life, he is tested by his race and former religion, two things that will leave him in a poor position for occupation and success in many places. But, he overcomes those stereotypes, gaining a position in his state legislature. After a few years, he moves through the political ranks. Today, President Obama is one of the most well known individuals in the world, and one of our most well-known leaders. Pretty good for a stereotyped kid, right?

In the years to come, I don't mind if you forget my name. I really don't mind if you forget my face. I will have no problems dealing with that fact, for we all must lose things along life's path. Also, I don't care if you don't consciously remember my words today. They're only plucks of the vocal cord, anyways. No, the only thing I care about is that you help me change their minds. We are the future, we must deal with what's ahead. Class of '09, you are the hope of many. I ask you to step up and fill the role that the world won't ask you to occupy. Take a stand, or have a seat.

Thanks for the memories, y'all. God Bless.
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Join The Klub!

I started a new Family Force 5 fan site, one that won't be exclusively about FF5. It's gonna be pretty neat, so you should probably check it out. RIGHT NOW!!!

The Kountry Klub
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So, with the help of Family Force 5, I've found some AMAZING music. The stuff in question is done by The Remix Artist Collective (RAC).

I first heard RAC without knowing it. They did a mix of Love Addict for FF5, which ended up on the Heart Support Tour's ad/vid. I fell in love with it, man. Then, they did some more remixes for FF5 on Dance Or Die With A Vengeance, under the names of Andre Anjos (a member) and The Pragmatic (a band consisting of members of RAC).

So, I went to their website. Turns out, they've done remixes for everyone from FF5 to RADIOHEAD! Yeah, I know. That's awesome, right? I thought so. The website also gives out loads of FREE DOWNLOADS, which is another amazing thing. So, I downloaded the Nintendo vs Sega EP, because I'm a vidgam geek and wanted to hear more of their sound.

IT WAS AMAZING. They did a Super Mario Bros. Remix, 2 Sonic mixes, and A Link To The Past was redone as well. I must say, the Super Mario Bros. was my favorite, but that's probably only because it's my second favorite game.

Then, I went to The Pragmatic's site, and got their newest, Circles. What's really cool about this is that there's only one song on the entire album. The song (Circles, duh!) by The Pragmatic is first, followed by 7 remixes from other artists. (ONE BY SOUL GLOW!!! Woot.) I'm in the middle of it right now, but so far it's kickin! A little more mellow than the RAC stuff, but good all the same.

So, here's the sites. CHECK 'EM!!!
The Remix Artist Collective
The Pragmatic
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The Domain of the Giraffe.

So, I was planning to get the domain name today, but that didn't work out too well. I promise it will be running in the next couple of weeks. It's been a hectic time every time I go somewhere where I can load a prepaid visa to get the stupid url. Gosh.

But, I like to build anticipation. So, to prep you for the transition, I've decided to let you in on the inspiration of the domain name. It's from SNL, one of the greatest programs on the tele. Enjoy!

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The Draygon's Fire...

I'm going to try to start having Questions of the Day on Twitter. It will provide entertainment for me, and a source of material for the blog. (Yeah, I'm sneaky like that.)

Today's Question:
If you could have one mythical creature as a pet, which would it be?

Well, I didn't have too many responses (3, in fact). But, dragons (or draygons) were mentioned twice! So I shall now blog about the draygon.

The fire burns bright within the night.
His nostrils flare, the knight he dares.
Attack, attack! The man turns black.
The draygon triumphs. Harumph.

Draygons are quite the creatures, you know? I mean, they can fly, they've got pretty sweet wings, and they can BREATHE FIRE, MAN!!! If I had those abilities, I'd pretty much be the coolest person I know. I would definitely be a hit at the community barbecue. You know what I mean?

So, some famous draygons...
Maleficent's Transformation
The Dragon from Beowulf
Harry Potter (multiple)
Dragon Holding Crystal
Puff (He's Magic!)

I've left a few out on purpose. Drop your fave Draygons in the comment box! REP THE FIERY WINGED THINGS, Y'ALL!!!

Dragons, man. They're the ultimate creature. Princesses will always need rescued, and because of that dragons will always need slain. It's pure logic. Deal with it.

Draygon, you are mighty. May you eat the sheep of your enemies, and... stuff.
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Paint It Up, Paint It Up!

Don't stop until the art's up! Heh.

So, at our school, the seniors have a tradition of tagging up a school parking lot graffiti style. Well, I've been waiting for this for YEARS, and wanted to make it something I would always remember and be proud of.

So, obviously, I made the piece about FF5. DUH! I'm pretty obsessed, if you didn't know. It turned out pretty well, I thought I'd drop a pic here so y'all can check it. The diamond is based on the That's my name-brick on the left, with Tofu on the left and our friend Zane down below.

Click the pic for a larger view!