Back to Business. (???)

Alright, let's throw this thing down. It's been a busy week, and I owe all y'all some reviews. Let's set up the first, shall we?

Attack Attack Show
Last Monday, as I said in the last post, I caught Attack Attack at Emerson Theater here in Indy. They were INTENSE. Just as much energy as they had at Warped, and it was SO much better inside. (But I wasn't front row this time, which wasn't as cool.) They SHOOK that place. Here's a vid.

UPDATE!!! I found a better video! Check around 1:02 and 2:44. I'm on stage both times, on the left end! YEAH! It's sorta hard to pick me out the first time, but once you know I'm there, it's easy to see! Grey shirt. AWESOME!!!

(I apologize for the guys language in the intro to the song.)

Emerson is THE venue of Indy for my style of music. There's not a lot of places here to rock concerts, so this hardcore joint is going to have to work for me. However, there are some extreme problems with it. First, it's not the greatest part of town. You're definitely going to want to stick to the main thoroughfares if you ever hit it up. Also, the venue itself is pretty jank. The walls RAIN dust, paint chips, etc. if you hit it even slightly. Also, the restrooms are DISGUSTING. But, if you're in the mood for a hardcore show, there's no place I've found that better suits that scene.

Moving on... Dance RAWR Dance 3!!!

One of (if not THE) best show I've seen yet. iRival, Queens Club, Cash Cash, Breathe Carolina, and Family Force 5. (I should probably mention that I was in the FRONT ROW FOR EVERY SET. YEEEEEAH!) Tofu was with me the whole time, which was pretty rad, because we don't get to hang much anymore. Also, got to "meet"(?) Jade! That was fantastic. Like the pizza party, haha. (End inside joke.) The bands were all enjoyable too, but I'll say that I liked each band more than the band before. The order they played was the order (from least to greatest) that I enjoyed their show. iRival and Queens Club were both good, but I'm only going to cover the last three.

Cash Cash was AMAZING. They had some of the greatest synth sound I've seen live. (They should, because it's half their band.) They had a CRAZY dance vibe, and made everybody move. I will say that I got much closer to the singer than I ever thought I would. TWICE. The two times he jumped off the stage, he decided to sing right in front of me, standing on the crowd barrier's step. I got way too much face to armpit time, man.

I'm ecstatic that I waited to see Breathe Carolina for a club show. Seeing them for the first time at Warped would have ruined it. Their light show was off the hook! It was pretty much a rave, with a bit of hardcore mixed in. Just the way I like it. The best bit of their set HAD to be "See You Again," a Miley Cyrus cover. (For those of you who have been living under a rock and didn't know that.) It made my night. I had no clue they'd be playing it. Oh, and if you ever get the chance to talk to their screamer, do it. He's one of the most legit dudes I've ever met at shows. Very gracious.

Last but CERTAINLY not least, FF5. They kicked it (like always), but had some awesome additions. I'm speaking of Keep the Party Alive and Ghostride the Whip. The new songs OWN, y'all. You've gotta hear them live to hear how great they are. I can't express enough how much I love the direction they're headed. Other than that, I've talked about FF5's stuff enough in old posts.

I hope you're still with me. (In this post and just keeping up with the blog in general.) If you are, thanks. College is killing my blog time, something I hope to change at some point. But I can't promise anything.


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