Surf the Wave, Not the Web, Brah!

Well, a lot less fanfare than I would have liked... Ah, well.

I got an invite to Google Wave last night! A victory from a two-week struggle of contacting individuals who had invites to try and snag one for myself. Great thanks to @sidoyle for actually floating me one.

So... I can't really give you a great review so far, because I don't know anyone else with Wave. Meaning I can only search public Waves... LAME. So, until I get the invites (and supply my wonderful POW readers with some), I'll leave you with these two vids explaining what Wave is.

The first is a short, basic video explaining the very basic idea of Google Wave.

The second is crazy long (almost an hour and a half), and explains almost every use and feature of Wave. If you're a tech dude or gal, this vid is WAY worth it.


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