The Office (of the Internet).

So, as I mentioned a couple posts back, I started a new project called The Kountry Klub. Little did I know how much work it would be. I think I've put more time into that than I have into POW Blogs. (Ok, that's a lie.)

But, seriously! At first, I had to work the layout out, which took FOREVER. Then, I had to read the applications, appoint authors, start a Myspace page, do THAT layout, and now I'm cleaning up shop around the blog and the Myspace. It's tiring, let me tell you. (But CRAZY fun.)

Funny enough, all the work on TKK has left me NO time to post on it! Haha, I got to run a small bit about the Myspace page, but that's it. But, at least it's giving me stuff to do with my UNLIMITED amount of summer time. I mean, I could go be outside and enjoy the nice weather.... But I'm lazy. Darn.

So, yeah! There's an update on me right now. BOOM!


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