Let It Go (or Be... Hee Hee)

As a lot of you know, I've already quit that new FF5 fan project I started about a week ago, for no apparent reason. It would seem rash and confusing at a glance. But really, it's farther from that statement.

TKK was supposed to be a way for me to express my love for FF5, and tell people about other things that their fans might enjoy. But as I put more and more time into its creation, I realized how weird it was getting. I realized that I had been putting FF5 before much more important things in life.

I really realized this after seeing some drama go down in the FF5 fanbase. When I saw this, I instantly saw how much our obsessions controlled my life. It's one thing to be a fan. It's another to spend all day on a computer talking about how much I love them, creating a site about them, and spending all day just doing... nothing. I was definitely in this category. I'm just happy I never had to defend myself or argue about some online obsession, like some in the first camp.

Now, I'm not trying to condemn anyone, or go after anyone. Far from it. I'm just pointing out my mistakes in an effort to allow others to examine their position.

But, back to my story.

In that moment of craziness, I realized how I needed to let it go. I miss the days where I was a "casual" hardcore fan (Oxymoron? Probably), who listened to their music all the time, but didn't let it affect my life. I realized that I was putting FF5 on a pedestal, over LOADS of important stuff in my life. That stops right now.

I'm saying this right now to make sure the rest of you have your priorities straight. Some of you can deal with the type of stuff I was doing, and still put the right things above them. Some of you can't. That second group is the one I'm going for. If you see yourself in my shoes, let's go together. I know I'll need help. Let's put some of this behind us for a while, and enjoy the cornucopia of other things life gives us to enjoy.

Don't get me wrong, I'll still be a fan. I'll hit loads of their concerts. I'll dance, scream, and try to get that fist bump from Soli's Hulkfists. But, I'm done with this crazy online FF5 stuff. I'm stepping away for a bit, to get things straight. After that, who knows?

But for now, I'm taking a nap. (That's a metaphor, for those of you who missed it.)


Hurrah For Concurrence | June 16, 2009 at 1:18 PM

I hear what you're saying, Jack...but the Internet is a big staple in my life and what I do on here is a job of mine...since it is the Summer and I have nothing else to do, but I won't be on here everyday when the Summer progresses because then I'll be at the psychotherapist or working or something! I don't always talk about FF5 when I'm on here, I have other things to do...I'm a writer first and foremost, and that's what I do when I come on here--not all of the time because I procrastinate greatly...I'll soon be back on track, but as of now...what can I really do?


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